The Egyptian Pyramids
With a View of part of the Nile, etc.
(note: very soft vertical fold in center of sheet)


The inside of an Egyptian Sepulchre
Egyptian Mummies
(note: very soft horizontal fold in center of sheet)

View of the City of Tunis, the Capital of that Kingdom
on the Coast of Barbary
View of the City of Algiers, the Capital of that Kingdom
on the Coast of Barbary
(note: very soft horizontal fold in center of sheet)

View of the City of Morocco,
Habit of a Horseman in Barbary
(note: very soft horizontal fold in center of sheet)

A Chinese Pagoda,
A Chinese Sepulchre

The Pillar of Antonine at Rome,
Trajan's Pillar at Rome
(note: light text offsetting, crease in lower left corner,
not affecting image)

A View from the Column of St. Mark to
the Damatian Wharf in the City of Venice,
A View from the Column of St. Theodore to
the entrance of the great Canal in the City of Venice
(note: moderate text offsetting)

The Palace of Mont Alto at Naples,
The Palace of the Vice-Roy at Naples
(note: light text offsetting)

View of the Bastile, St. Anthony's Gate
and part of the Suburbs of Paris
(note: very light text offsetting)

Port of Bourdeaux, Capital of the Province
of Guienne, in the Kingdom of France,
View of Brest Harbour, in the Province
of Brittany, in the Kingdom of France
(note: light text offsetting)

The Port of Marseilles, in the Province
of Brittany, in the Kingdom of France,
The Port of Nantz, in the Province
of Brittany, in the Kingdom of France
(note: very light text offsetting)

View of the city of Zug,
Capital of the Canton of the same name,
View of the Town of Glaris,
Capital of the Canton of the same name
(note: soft horizontal crease in center of sheet)

View of Bale, principal City of Bale,
one of the Cantons of Switzerland,
View of Zurich, principal City of Zurich,
one of the Cantons of Switzerland
(note: soft horizontal crease in center of sheet)

View of the Herring Packers' Tower,
in the City of Amsterdam,
The Old Fort & Mount Alban's Tower,
in the City of Amsterdam
(note: multiple soft creases throughout print,
giving it a somewhat rumpled look, probably not
terribly noticeable once framed)

View of the New Chapel and the Exchange
in the City of Amsterdam,
View of the Arsenal at Amsterdam
and landing of Ordnance Stores
(note: light text offsetting, paper loss to lower right corner)

A perspective View of the Admiralty Office,
Dock Yard, Storehouses, etc.
at Amsterdam
(note: light text offsetting)

View of the entrance into
the Port of Flushing (Netherlands)
(note: foxing, mostly in margin but also to left of building in image)
Procession of the People of Widah,
to present offerings to the Grand Snake
Ceremonies used at the Coronation of the King of Widah,
on the Slave Coast |
$149.99 |
View of Scio anciently called Chios,
one of the most celebrated Cities in the Archipelago
Vestiages of the Temple of Juno at Samos,
an Asiatic Island under the Dominion of the Turks |
Note: unobtrusive diagonal paper flaw (light wrinkle) |
$149.99 |
A View of the Commodore's Tent at the Island of Juan Fernandes |
Note: engraving is backed with archival linen.
Vertical folds, as originally issued.
A couple of brown spots in image area. |
$149.99 |
View of the Port & Magazine of Rochefort,
in the Province of Aunis, in the Kingdom of France
The Town & Harbour of Rochelle,
Capital of the Province of Aunis, in the Kingdom of France |
Text offsetting/transfer and light brown spots |
$149.99 |
The Port of Dieppe,
in the Province of Normandy, in the Kingdom of France
The Port of Havre de Grace,
in the Province of Normandy, in the Kingdom of France |
Text offsetting/transfer and light brown spots |
$149.99 |
View of Port L'Orient,
in the Province of Normandy, in the Kingdom of France
The Harbour of St. Malo,
in the Province of Normandy, in the Kingdom of France |
Text offsetting/transfer and light brown spots |
$149.99 |
Interview between Commodore (now Lord) Byron
and the Natives of Patagonia
People of Terra del Fuego, with their Habitations |
mild occasional brown spots |
$149.99 |
Algerine method of Executing a Christian
for attempting to escape from Slavery
Algerine method of Punishing a Criminal,
found guilty of committing Burglary
mild occasional brown spots |
$149.99 |
Thomas Kouli Kan, Emperor of Persia,
Assassinated in his Tent by five of his Officers,
two of whom he Killed, before they could dispatch him
mild occasional brown spots |
$149.99 |
Mahomet, the Turkish Emperor,
murdering the beautiful Irene
mild occasional brown spots |
$149.99 |
The burning Valley called Vulcan's Cave
near Naples
View of Mount Vesuvius
in the Kingdom of Naples
Text offsetting/transfer and light brown spots |
$149.99 |