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The Museum of Natural History
by William S. Dallas, F.L.S.
drawn by various artists, engraved by J.W. Lowry
published by Wm. MacKenzie: Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, New York
circa 1850-1860

Original 160+-year-old Hand-coloured engravings • Titles in English and Latin
Sheet size: approximately 7.25 x 10.75 inches.

Please click on thumbnails below for a better look at each print.

The digital watermark on images deters image theft and does not appear on actual print.

Plate 1

Arabian Vulture
Egyptian Vulture
Papa King Vulture


Falcon, Vulture, Eagle
Plate 2

Cream-bellied Falcon
Bearded Vulture
Martial Eagle


Plate 3

Rough-legged Buzzard (Hawk)
Secretary Bird
Brown Owl


Swift, Swallows, etc.
Plate 5

Chimney Swallow
House Martin
Common Swift
Esculent Swallow


Goat Suckers
Plate 6

Common Goat Sucker
Europoeus Javanicus
Leona Goat Sucker


Trogon, Kingfisher
Plate 7

Trogon resplendens
Long-tailed Jacamar

Hummingbirds, etc.
Plate 8

Great Jacamar
Delalande's Humminbird
Trochilus granatinus

Creeper, Nuthatch, etc.
Plate 9

Wall Creeper
Lyre Bird


Robin Red Breast, Mockingbird, etc.
Plate 10

Long-tailed Titmouse
Red-breast (Robin)
Spotted Flycatcher

Magpie, etc.
Plate 11

Great Cinereous Shrike
Orange Rock Cock


Paradise Bird, Starling, etc.
Plate 12

Emerald Paradise Bird

Skylark, etc.
Plate 13

Banded Tanager

Parrots, etc.
Plate 15

Yellow Parrakeet
Long-nosed Cockatoo
Grey Parrot
Grey Small-tongued Parrot
Bonneted Psittacule


Toucan, etc.
Plate 16

Red-breasted Toucan
Great Black Woodpecker
Southern three-toed Woodpecker

Pigeons, Doves, etc.
Plate 17

White-headed Pigeon
New Holland Pigeon
Stock Dove

Pigeons, cock, etc.
Plate 18

Waalia Pigeon
White-booted Pigeon
Crowned Pigeon
Domestic Cock
Nepaul Horned Pheasant


Pheasants, etc.
Plate 19

Amherst's Pheasant
Guinea Fowl
Fire-backed Pheasant
Silver Pheasant

see enlargement for flaws

Partridge, turkey, etc.
Plate 20

Freycinets Mankirio
Red-legged Partridge
Brush Turkey
White Shearbill

Ostrich, etc.
Plate 21



Emu, Kiwi, etc.
Plate 22

Shaw's Apterys (Kiwi)
Emeu (Emu)
Common Thick Knee
Great Bustard


Plover, Sandpiper, etc.
Plate 23

Brazen-winged Courser
Collared Praticole
Grey Sand-piper
Golden Plover
Pied Oyster-catcher
Maregrave's Cariama


Heron, Egret, etc.
Plate 24

Common Crane
Great Egret
Stellar's Bittern


Stork, Ibis, etc.
Plate 25

White Stork
Roseate Spoonbill
Senegal Jabiru


Ibis, etc.
Plate 26

Tufted Umbre
Madagascar Open-bill
Milky Ibis


Avocet, etc.
Plate 27

Common Snipe
Chinese Jacana


Water Rail, etc.
Plate 28

Water Rail
Horned Screamer
Sultana Bird


Flamingo, Geese
Plate 29

Red Flamingo
Wild Goose
New Holland Pigeon Goose

Swan, ducks, etc.
Plate 30

Wild Swan
Shoveller Duck
Lobated Duck
Goosander (Merganser)


Mammal, fish, amphibians, insects, etc. from this series

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