The Sleepy Congregation
In this print Hogarth represents the triumph of the sexual over religious motives at a divine service in a ponderous Gothic church in the country. The short, nearsighted preacher (said to resemble John Desaguiliers, a contemporary clergyman) labors through the sermon, his head buried in his book; the text, which has ironic application, is "Come unto me al ye yt Labour and are Heavy Laden & I will give you Rest Mat II 28." Behind the divine hangs his hat; at his side stands an expired hourglass. Below him, his coarse-featured clerk, the only alert person in the congregation, looks down the décolleté dress of an attractive, well-endowed girl. Bored by the sermon, she has opened her prayer book to the section which most interests her, "Of Matrimony." Five men sleep in the crowded free seats; four have their mouths open indicating that they are snoring. Two women in the congregation appear awake. In the balcony two more men sleep.
The church windows and the English royal arms are fashioned crudely and comically to satirize the quality of some church art. The emblem on the pillar bears a chevron and three owls, symbols of the pedantic divine. On the side of the pulpit the words, "I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain/ Galats. 4th II" appear in judgment on the congregation.
[Excerpt from Engravings by Hogarth, edited by Sean Shesgreen (Dover, 1973).]

(click image for enlargement)
The Sleeping Congregation
[Also known as "The Sleepy Congregation"]
Inscribed: Invented, Engraved and Published October 26, 1736 by Wm. Hogarth
Retouched & Improved April 21, 1762 by the Author [Hogarth]
Original Copperplate Engraving/Etching from:
The Works of William Hogarth from the Original Plates Restored by James Heath, Esq., R.A.; With the Addition of Many Subjects Not Before Collected: To Which is Prefixed, a Biographical Essay on the Genius and Productions of Hogarth, and Explanations on the Subjects of the Plates by John Nichols, Esq., F.S.A.
London. Printed for Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, Paternoster Row
by Nichols and Son, Parliament Street
— 1822 —
Sheet size: approximately 19 1/8 x 24 7/8 inches, thick woven paper.
(approx. 50.5cm x 63.18cm)
Condition: Very Good to Excellent. A nice, dark impression. Minor speckles in margin; damp stain upper right corner, well away from image area. Please refer to enlargement by clicking on thumbnail image above to assess condition.

(click image for enlargement)
The Sleeping Congregation
[Also known as "The Sleepy Congregation"]
Inscribed: Invented, Engraved and Published October 26, 1736 by Wm. Hogarth
Retouched & Improved April 21, 1762 by the Author [Hogarth]
Original Copperplate Engraving/Etching from:
The Works of William Hogarth from the Original Plates Restored by James Heath, Esq., R.A.; With the Addition of Many Subjects Not Before Collected: To Which is Prefixed, a Biographical Essay on the Genius and Productions of Hogarth, and Explanations on the Subjects of the Plates by John Nichols, Esq., F.S.A.
London. Printed for Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, Paternoster Row
by Nichols and Son, Parliament Street
— 1822 —
Sheet size: approximately 25¼ x 19¼ inches, thick woven paper.
(approx. 64cm x 48cm)
Condition: Excellent, no flaws to mention.
[Interesting side note: this set comes from the collection of Joseph Cunard (1799-1865), brother of Samuel Cunard — founder of the White Star Line.]


(click to enlarge)
r"The Sleeping Congregation"
An original 18th century print — possibly from
"The Moral and Comic Works of the Late Celebrated William Hogarth"
published in 1797 by Laurie and Whittle, Fleet Street, London.
(OR, an earlier print published by Hogarth himself.)
Inscribed on plate is "Invented Engraved & Published October 26, 1736 by Wm. Hogarth. Pursuant to an Act of Parliament."
NOTE: Same engraving as above, but without the inscription up right side "Retouched and Improved April 21 1762 by the Author." We do not know if this is an earlier or later print than the one above.)
Sheet size: approx. 11.5 inches high by 9.25 inches wide, chain-laid paper
Condition: Excellent, with one fox mark evident on sleeping woman's forehead
[ref. 39-B]


(click image to enlarge)
The Sleeping Congregation
"The Works of William Hogarth
in a Series of Engravings: with descriptions and a
Comment on Their Moral Tendency
by the Rev. John Trusler"
(Jones and Co., Temple of the Muses, (Late Lackington's), Finsbury Square, London, 1833)
Original 180+-year-old copperplate engraving
Sheet size: 8 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches
original text accompanies engraving
Condition: Very Good, minor foxing in margins. Please refer to detailed scan by clicking on thumbnail image provided.


(click to enlarge)
"Columbus Breaking the Egg"
An original 18th century print — possibly from
"The Moral and Comic Works of the Late Celebrated William Hogarth"
published in 1797 by Laurie and Whittle, Fleet Street, London.
(OR, an earlier print published by Hogarth himself.)
Inscribed on plate is "Design'd by Wm. Hogarth"
Sheet size: approx. 7 1/4 inches high by 8 1/4 inches wide, woven paper
Condition: Excellent

(click image to enlarge)
Columbus Breaking the Egg
"The Complete Works of William Hogarth"
(Mackenzie, London, 1870)
Sheet size: 8 3/4 x 12 1/4 inches
(steel engraving)
Condition: Very Good/Excellent—a couple of light smudges in margins
(note: entire sheet is too large to scan)

(click image to enlarge)
Columbus Breaking the Egg
"The Works of William Hogarth
in a Series of Engravings: with descriptions and a
Comment on Their Moral Tendency
by the Rev. John Trusler"
(Jones and Co., Temple of the Muses, (Late Lackington's), Finsbury Square, London, 1833)
Original 180+-year-old copperplate engraving
Sheet size: 8 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches
original text accompanies engraving
Condition: Very Good, one are of foxing on left side. Please refer to detailed scan by clicking on thumbnail image provided.

(click to enlarge)
"Masquerades and Operas, Burlington-gate"
An original 18th century print — possibly from
"The Moral and Comic Works of the Late Celebrated William Hogarth"
published in 1797 by Laurie and Whittle, Fleet Street, London.
(OR, an earlier print published by Hogarth himself.)
Sheet size: approx. 5 1/2 inches high by 7 1/4 inches wide, woven paper
Condition: Excellent: narrow bottom margin

(click image to enlarge)
Masquerades and Operas
Burlington Gate
"The Works of William Hogarth
in a Series of Engravings: with descriptions and a
Comment on Their Moral Tendency
by the Rev. John Trusler"
(Jones and Co., Temple of the Muses, (Late Lackington's), Finsbury Square, London, 1833)
Original 180+-year-old copperplate engraving
Sheet size: 8 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches
original text accompanies engraving
Condition: Good, some foxing, mosty in margins but also one spot on image. Please refer to detailed scan by clicking on thumbnail image provided.