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Paxton's Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants

by Sir Joseph Paxton

With engravings or lithographs from drawings by F.W. Smith & S. Holden

Published by Orr & Smith/W.S. Orr & Co., London

Original, fine hand-coloured engravings and lithographs over 175 years old

approx. 6¼x 9 inches on beautiful woven paper
Original text provided whenever possible.


Sir Joseph Paxton

Paxton was a hugely talented man. He started as an assistant gardener with no education & rose to become the head gardener to the Duke of Devonshire.
His design of the conservatory at Chatsworth House served as a model for his design of the Crystal Palace for the London Exhibition of 1851.
Incredibly, he designed this giant, intricate building in less than 9 days on a piece of blotting paper.
The building itself was erected in just six months, with 293,655 panes of glass, 330 huge iron columns and 24 miles of gutters.
These days he is best remembered for his very high quality botanical periodicals such as Paxton’s Magazine of Botany which was published in 16 volumes from 1834-49.
Paxton’s prints tend to be harder to find and more expensive than other 19th-century botanicals.
If you look in galleries in cities such as London you will often see similar prints by Paxton for sale for many hundreds of US Dollars.

(please click on thumbnails for an enlarged view)

Haliconia bicolor

Haliconia bicolor

Agapanthus umbellatus

Agapanthus umbellatus


Oxyura chrysanthemoides

Oxyura chrysanthemoides


Alstrameria acutifolia-aurea

Alstroemeria acutifolia-aurea

Strophanthus dichotomus

Strophanthus dichotomus


Mimulus puniceus

Mimulus puniceus


Wilsenia Maura

Wilsenia Maura


Manettia cordifolia

Manettia cordifolia


Solanum angustifolium

Solanum angustifolium


Fuschia globosa elegans

Fuschia globosa elegans

Barbacinia purpurea

Barbacinia purpurea

Stanhpea eburnea

Stanhopea eburnea


Mimulus Harrisonia

Mimulus Harrisonia
(Harrison's Mimulus)


Mimulus Smithii

Mimulus Smithii
(Mr. Smith's Monkey Flower)


Davisia latifolia

Davisia latifolia
(Broad-leaved Davisia)


Capsicum ustulatum

Capsicum ustulatum
(Burning Capsicum,
or True Chili)


Marica Sabini

Marica Sabini


Rhodochiton volubile

Rhodochiton volubile
(Purple Twining Rhodochiton)

Escallonia montevidensis

Escallonia montevidensis
(Montevideo Escallonia)


Sinningie guttata

Sinningie guttata


Chelone centranthifolium

Chelone centranthifolium
(Valerian-leaved Chelone)


Gesneria Cooperi

Gesneria Cooperi


Siphocampulus bicolor

Siphocampulus bicolor


Muraltia stipulacea

Muraltia stipulacea
(Stipular Milk-wort)
Muraltia Heisteria
(Heister's Muraltia)


Daviesia ulicina

Daviesia ulicina
(Furze-like Daviesia)


Calendrina grandifloria

Calendrina grandifloria


Calceolaria viscosissima

Calceolaria viscosissima


Ascelpias tuberosa

Ascelpias tuberosa


Epacris grandiflora

Epacris grandiflora

Gesneria Selloi

Gesneria Selloi
(Dr. Sellow's Gesneria)


Anigozanthos coccineus

Anigozanthos coccineus
(Scarlet Anigozanthos)


Hibiscus Lindlei

Hibiscus Lindlei


Epacris Impressa

Epacris Impressa


Epacris Impressa

Ipomopsis picta


Boronia Serrulata, Verbena melendris

Boronia Serrulata
Verbena melendris


Schizanthus Priestii

Schizanthus Priestii


Liatris Borealis

Liatris Borealis


Dryandra longifolia

Dryandra longifolia
(Long-leaved Dryandra)

Verbena Tweedieana

Verbena Tweedieana
(Mr. Tweedie's Scarlet Vervain)


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