Original Antique & Vintage architecture and design prints
(click on the links below to see the offerings from those sources)
Buck, Samuel and Nathaniel
Buck’s Antiquities, or Venerable Remains of Above Four Hundred Castles, Monasteries, Palaces etc. in England and Wales
(1726-1752) |
Bohla, Alois
Neue Motive für Moderne
(circa 1910)
Art Nouveau designs |
Byrne, William and
Hearne, Thomas
The Antiquities of Great Britain...
(1787–1807) |
Clutton, Henry
Illustrations of Mediaeval
Architecture in France
(1856) |
Cotman, John Sell
Turner, Dawson
Architectural Antiquities of Normandy
(1822) |
Cuitt, George
Wanderings and Pencillings
amongst the Ruins of the
Olden Time
(1834-1855) |
Davey, Henry
A Set of Etchings Illustrative of Beccles Church and other Suffolk Antiquities
(1818-1820s) |
Dekorative Vorbilder
Art Nouveau designs from
(1890-91) |
George, Ernest
Etchings on the Loire and in the South of France
Etchings in Belgium (1883)
Griggs, F.L.
Modern Masters of Etching —
F.L. Griggs, A.R.A., R.E.
(1926) |
Antiquities of Ireland
Antiquities of Scotland
(1797) |
Lamb, Edward Buckton
Studies of Ancient
Domestic Architecture
(1846) |
Morris, Rev. F.O.
Picturesque Views of Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen
of Great Britain and Ireland
(1880) |
Nash, Joseph
The Mansions of England in the Olden Time (1869-72) |
Nattes, John C.
Fittler, James
Scotia Depicta (1804) (Scotland) |
Niven, W.
Illustrations of
Old Staffordshire Houses (1882) |
Perez de Villa-Amil, G. and
de la Escosura, P.
España artistica y monumental
(1842-1850) (Spain) |
Petit, Victor
Châteaux de la Vallée de la Loire
(1861) |
Raynal, Gustave
Meuble au XXieme Siècle
(ca. 1890-1910)
(Art Nouveau furniture) |
Relton, H.E.
Sketches of Churches (1843) (England) |
Richardson, C.J.
Studies from Old English Mansions (1841-48) |
Rickards, Edwin Alfred
The Art of E.A. Rickards
(1920) |
Shaw, Henry
Specimens of Ancient Furniture
(1836) |
Skelton, J.
O'Neill, Hugh
Skelton's Etchings of the Antiquities of Bristol
(1825) |
Smith, Bernard
Sketches Abroad, Germany and Switzerland (1876)
Sketches Abroad, Spain, Algiers
(1883) |
Smith, John T.
Antiquities of Westminster (1804-09) |
History of Scotland (1841) |
Wolfrum & Co.
Architectural elevations, plans, renderings
(circa 1910) |
Ackermann's Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions and Politics
Landmark Buildings
(Mostly in London)
Miscellaneous furniture, decorative elements, fabric swatches, etc.
Fish & Game Birds |
Clark, Hugh
A Concise History of Knighthood. Containing the Religious and Military Orders which have been instituted in Europe. (1784) |
History of the Pacific Northwest: Oregon and Washington
(1889) |
Antique photogravures of Paris(circa 1900-1910)
Antique prints of France and Paris from miscellaneous sources |
Aldin, Cecil
Old Inns (1921) |
Antique photo prints from around the world (1895)
United States of America
Great Britain: England, Ireland, Scotland
Germany, Switzerland, Tyrol
Amsterdam, Holland and Antwerp, Belgium
Egypt |
Petit, John Louis
Architectural Studies in France (1854)
Kasimir, Luigi
Chartres Cathedral
Vintage art deco interior design prints
Decorative Draperies and Upholstery
(Thorne, 1937) |
Hoffbauer, H.F.
Paris A Travers Les Ages
[Paris, France]
Antique prints of Seattle, Washington
from The West Shore
(circa 1884) |
Eton College, Cambridge, Windsor
Small antique prints of Eton College, Cambridge, Windsor and surrounding area
(circa 1880s)
American Architect and Building News
Antique photogravures/half tone prints of famous architecture
(1897) |
Inns of Court and Chancery
The Inns and Courts of Chancery
(1893) |
Holland and Belgium
19th-century engravings from miscellaneous sources
(mid-19th century) |
Temple Bar, London, England
Miscellaneous antique prints featuring the Temple Bar in London
(18th and 19th century prints) |
Antique prints of Italy from miscellaneous sources
(mostly 19th century) |
London, England
Miscellaneous antique prints featuring London
(18th and 19th century prints) |
Antique prints of Spain from miscellaneous sources
(mostly 19th century) |
Antique prints of Germany and Austria from miscellaneous sources
(19th & early 20th century prints)
The Engineer and Machinist's Assistant
Antique prints of technical drawings of machinery
(1847) |
Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches & Palaces in Italy During the Fifteenth & Sixteenth Centuries
(Gruner, 1854) |
Miscellaneous chromolithographs of European buildings and street scenes by artists such as J.C. Bearz, Ernest Oden, Robons, and George H. Downing
Color architectural scenes in Europe
(circa 1900-1910?) |
Architectural prints from miscellaneous, unidentified sources |
Boys, Thomas Shotter
Original Views of London As It Is
(1954, after 1842 originals)
Charles Traylen, publisher |
'Eyre's Fortifications of London, 1643'
(1852) |
The Queen's London
(1896) |
Maurice Utrillo vintage prints of Paris buildings, streets, neighborhoods
(Sidney Z. Lucas, 1955) |
Haghe, Louis
Views of Lymington
Sketches in Belgium
& Germany
Art Deco Patterns and Designs
(unidentified late-18th- or early- 19th-century publication)
Miscellaneous Antique Prints of Architecture and Views
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