Henry Alken
Sporting Prints (1830)
Humorous prints of British sporting
Fores's Hunting Accomplishments
(Thomas McLean, 1823)
A delightful original fishing print.
Fores's Hunting Sketches
(large, hand-coloured restrike engraving from the original 1859 plate)
A stunning fox hunting print. |
Daniel, Rev. William B.
Rural Sports (1801-17)
Hunting scenes, fishing, game birds and animals, hunting dogs, etc. |
Scott, John
The Sportsman's Repository
Horses and Dogs. |
Fores's Series (1863)
Hunting and Sporting hand coloured lithographs from H.K. Browne ("Phiz") |
Fores's Sporting Notes
& Sketches (1891-1901)
Cricket, Golf, Polo, Rugby, Billiards, Curling, etc.
Dogs, Dog fighting, Sled Dogs, Wolves, etc.
Fighting: Cock, Dog, Boxing, etc.
Fishing, Water Rescue
Horse Racing, Steeplechase, various horse sports
- Bear
- Big Game - Lions, Tigers, Hippos, Elephants, etc.
- Bird, Skeet
- Bison, buffalo, steers, etc.
- Deer, Moose, Sheep, Goat
- Fox, rabbit, otter, etc.
- Wild Boar
Sailing, Ice Boats, Rowing, etc.
(with horses) |
Orme's Foreign Field Sports
Samuel Howitt
Gorgeous hand-coloured aquatint engravings of exotic hunting and sporting scenes. |
Orme's Collection of British Field Sports Illustrated
Charles W. Traylen, publisher
Large fine art quality 1950s facsimiles of sporting prints by Samuel Howitt |
Joseph Strutt
Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May-games, Mummeries, Pageants, Processions, and Pompous Spectacles, from the earliest period to the present time: Illustrated by Engravings selected from Ancient Paintings; in which are represented most of the Popular Diversions
(1810) |
British Sporting Prints
The Ariel Press (1955)
Large fine art quality 1950s reproductions of sporting prints by notables such as Alken, Pollard, Barenger, F.C. Turner, Stubbs, and Paul. |
Racing at Home & Abroad
British Steeplechasing
Charles Richardson (1927)
Beautiful velvety photogravures from the rare limited edition of only 700 copies. |
British Fresh-water Fishes
Rev. Wm. Houghton, author and A.F. Lydon, illustrator (1879)
Hand-coloured and black and white wood engravings of famous fishing rivers in England, Scotland, and Wales |
The Noble Science: a Few General Ideas on Fox Hunting
F.P. Delmé Radcliffe (1875)
Hand-coloured etchings of fox hunting scenes. |
Famous Sporting Prints
"The Studio" Limited (1927) Nice early 20th century "Blackmore Tintex Prints" of fox hunting scenes. |
Large, original prints after famous sporting artists |
Vintage fishing prints |
Vintage Game Bird Hunting
(The Field & Stream Portfolio,
Gunning in America,
A. Lassell Ripley prints,
Ducks, Geese, Grouse, Pheasant, Quail, Woodcock |
Vintage hunting prints: bear, moose, elk, deer, buffalo, etc. |
Cassell's 'The Book of the Horse' (circa 1870-75)
Equestrian woodblock engravings |
Cassell's 'The Book of the Horse' (circa 1870-75)
Chromolithographs of horses, riders, fox hunters, etc. |
Vintage Fishing Prints
(The Field & Stream Portfolio,
Fishing in America,
Lynn Bogue Hunt prints,
Muskalonge, Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass, Striped Bass, Tarpon, Sailfish |
Favorite Flies and Their Histories
(Mary Orvis Marbury, 1892)
Stunning chromolithographs of Salmon Flies, Trout Flies, Bass Flies, Lake Flies, etc., from 1892
Fishing with the Fly
(C.F. Orvis, 1885)
135+-year-old color lithographs of Salmon Flies, Trout Flies, Bass Flies, Lake Flies, etc., from 1885 |
Matadors, Bullfighting
(Tuser, circa 1950-1960s)
Vibrant vintage prints after paintings by Tuser |
Denton, Sherman Foote
Fuertes, Luis Aggasiz
Gillette, W.B.
Ridgway, J.L.
Watson, Hy W.
and others
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
(1904-1907) |
Fishing, Hunting, etc.
Antique prints of fishing, hunting, and rural life by A.B. Frost |
Milton C. Weiler
Classic Shorebird Decoys
(Limited edition 240/975, 1971) |
North American Wildlife photos
from "At Home with the High Ones" portfolio of wildlife photos by John S. Crawford (1974) |
Hy S Watson
Fishing and Hunting scenes from the Forest, Fish & Game Commissioner's Report
Sir Edwin Landseer prints
Engravings, heliotypes and photogravures (1849-1890) |
Charles Zibeon Southard
Illustrations by H.H. Leonard
Trout Fly-fishing in America
Eldridge Hardie
Framed vintage signed, limited edition trout prints with fly-fishing flies by Eldridge Hardie (1970) |
British Sport Past and Present
Illustrations by G. Denholm Armour
(limited edition of 500, 1909)
Fox Hunting, Deer & Bird Hunting, Polo, Horse Racing, Fishing, Falconry, etc. |
Miscellaneous Antique Sporting chromolithographs
Original antique prints from 1889-1890 from a portfolio entitled Sport or Fishing and Shooting |
Miscellaneous Antique Prints with Animals, Animals with People, Hunting Scenes
Original antique prints from mostly 19th-century sources |
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