Original antique and vintage prints of natural history subjects: animals, wildlife, sea life, fish, etc. Please also see the Ornithology category for antique and vintage prints of bird subjects. Categories such as masterpiece art, sporting, and others may also contain prints of animals.
John James
Birds of America
(First edition Royal Octavo: 1840-44)
of America
(First edition Royal Octavo: 1849-54) |
Captain Thomas
Land & Fresh Water Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland
(1845) |
Buffon, Comte de
(George Louis LeClerc)
Buffon's Complete Works (1827) and Buffon's Natural History (1834)
(mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, etc.) |
Church, John
Ibbetson, Julius
Tookey, J.
A Cabinet of Quadrupeds
(1805) |
Ackermann's Repository of Arts
Fish and Game Birds
(1809-1811) |
Couch, Jonathan
A History of the Fishes (1862-65) |
D'Orbigny, Charles
Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle
(circa 1860s) |
Astronomy & Meteorology (Comets, planets, stars, etc.)
Ethnography (Antique prints of Africans, Asians, Extinct Indian Tribe, Anatomy, etc.)
Mammals (Antique prints of elephant, hippo, lion, monkey, whale, jaguar, and more)
Birds by Travies (Antique prints of jay, eagle, owl, waxwing, rooster, pelican, etc.)
Reptiles (Antique prints of snakes, turtles, salamanders, lizards, and more)
Fish, Sea Creatures and Shells (Antique prints of lobster, crab, sea shells, fish, etc.)
Insects (Antique prints of Butterflies, Moths, Beetles, Bees, Spiders, etc.)
Botanicals (Antique prints of tulip, dragon tree, carnation, passion flower, stapelia, bird of paradise, and more)
Ernst, J.J.
Engramelle, M.D.J.
Papillons d'Europe...
(1779-1792) |
Unidentified Source
Butterflies, Moths,
Caterpillars (circa 1880) |
Jardine, Sir William
(Lizars, William, engraver)
The Naturalist's Library
Large mammals
Monkeys, Apes
Horses, Zebras,
Cattle, Oxen, Sheep, Goats
Deer, Elk , Antelope, etc.
Dogs, Wolves, Hyaenas, Canines
Cats, Lions, Tigers, Felines
Small mammals
Jardine, Sir William
(Lizars, William, engraver)
The Naturalist's Library
Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises
Sharks, Rays, Eels.
Fish Skeletons, Fish Fossils
Sea Serpents, Seals
Butterflies, Moths, caterpillars
Exotic Moths, caterpillars
See also Birds
Portraits of famous naturalists
Martyn, Thomas
Figures of Non Descript Shells, Collected in the different Voyages to the South Seas
(1784) |
MacKenzie, William (publisher)
Royal Agriculture Society prints of cows
(1887) |
Roberts, Paul
Wonders of the Sea:
(1945) |
Scott, John
The Sportsman's Repository
Horses |
Scott, John
The Sportsman's Repository
Dogs |
Shaw, George
Zoological Lectures,
delivered to the
Royal Institution
Reptiles, Snakes, Amphibians
Fish, Whales, Eels
Sealife, Shells, microscopic
Insects, Moths, Spiders
See also Birds
Wilkes, John
Bloch, M.E.
Encyclopaedia Londinensis
(1796-1828) |
Denton, Sherman Foote
Fuertes, Luis Aggasiz,
Gillette, W.B.,
Ridgway, J.L.,
Watson, Hy W.
and others
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
New York Fisheries, Game and Forests Commission
(1904-1907) |
Birds and Nature Magazine
Mumford, 1899-1904
Antique butterfly and moth prints from Birds and Nature Magazine
Antique bird prints from Birds and Nature Magazine
Antique prints of mammals, reptiles, etc from Birds and Nature Magazine |
Butterflies and Flowers
Antique butterfly prints from an unidentified source, circa 1890-1910 |
Miscellaneous prints from unidentified sources |
Forest Animals
Antique animal chromolithographs from an unidentified source, circa 1897 |
Vintage Walter A. Weber Wildlife prints from circa 1930s-1940s
Vintage Francis Lee Jaques Wildlife prints from circa 1930s-1940s
Domestic and Wild Animals
Vintage Percy Reeves Domestic and Wildlife prints from circa 1930s-1940s
Domestic and Wild Animals
Miscellaneous prints of animals from various, unidentified sources, circa 1900-1940s |
Harmsworth Natural History, Lydekker, circa 1910-1930 |
North American Wildlife photos
from "At Home with the High Ones" portfolio of wildlife photos by John S. Crawford (1974) |
Eldridge Hardie
Framed vintage signed, limited edition trout prints with fly-fishing flies by Eldridge Hardie (1970) |
Charles Zibeon Southard
Illustrations by H.H. Leonard
Trout Fly-fishing in America
(1914) |
Andrew Fyfe
A Compendium of the Anatomy of the Human Body
(1800) |
H. Newell Martin, D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S.
The Human Body
(1894) |
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